Your true authentic frequency is unique to you, so why would you want to be someone else? Your frequencies vibrate at the rate that is right for your energies and when you step into your truth, you step into your true power. Unlock this power within. Don't be afraid to go against the grain because you were not born to be a robot. When you step into your authentic self it is the highest frequency you can get, it really helps to level yourself up to express your true vibration. You are here to experience and create a reality you want to live. The days of needing to survive are going, we are creating a new and we don't want to take the old energies with us. The old energies have serviced its purpose and helped us experience what we don't want, so we can create what we do. This is a gift, truly, just like you. Your a gift to the collective and I thank you for being here on this journey with me.
In my own experiences this week so far and looking into others energies. There appears to be a strong urge to discover truth, be in our truth and to find authenticity all around us. It feels like the collective energies are fed up with the fake over lays of this reality and wants to be in and around truth. I feel this is the way forward and we will find more things disappear from our reality that are not aligned to our authentic selves. This includes people we once connected with, I feel some may find these people will slowly disappear and instead new or even people you used to know will reappear. It all depends on the energies your giving out of course.
The new earth energies are all about truth, no more lies, we will be able to see more clearly through this mist of lies. We are being helped with this by Gaia and the universal energies. Let the energies flow through you and take it in your stride, you‘ve got this. This is why your here. Thank you for being here to help the collective. 🥰
If you would like some support in unlocking your true authentic self then I do offer 1-2-1 Energy Healing Sessions where I've supported many others on there awareness of self journeys. Take a look at what my clients say. Or better yet why not come and join us on Patreon where we are exploring consciousness.
